Thursday, July 16, 2009

Project Transition

Okay, so on the news they're talking about this woman who was in Project Transition and she lived in an apartment that she set on fire. And the tenants there didn't know about PT being there and they are really angry about the situation. First of all, I don't think you should have to announce to the world that you're a psychiatric patient. And second of all, we aren't all criminals. I was told by a lady in my complex not to tell anyone I have bipolar disorder because people will talk. They are already talking about me because they think I'm sleeping with Matt and we're not married. Haha. I'm not sleeping with Matt and don't intend to and I also don't plan on marrying him. But anyways, whose business is it whether or not people are in therapy for various mental illnesses? People are so fucking goddamn ignorant in this world today, it's not even funny. I know a lot of people who are in therapy. I know a lot of people on medication. It's 2009 people. Wake up and smell the psychiatric illness around you. And just because someone has a mental illness does not mean they are "crazy". Just because they are clever and create screennames to talk to people who won't talk to them on their regular names does not mean they are "crazy". It means they are clever enough to have thought of that. There are so many people who are famous geniuses who had bipolar disorder. We don't go around calling them "crazy". So before you judge people, who are also living on the government penny because they cannot work, realize, there are things you don't know about people. You don't know why they don't work. You don't know why they are in therapy. You don't know why this and that happened. Me personally? It's my business. I'm not telling you anything, because it's not your business. It's the people who refuse treatment and want to live in their depression without drugs or therapy who I think are the "crazy" ones. But let's not even use the term "crazy" or "psycho". It's wrong and it's mean. And the people who work at Project Transition should have seen that the woman was a risk, so therefore not have given her her own apartment so soon in her treatment. Someone else had tried to commit suicide and the woman on the news was saying "i'm glad theyre out of here"... why? It's not your fucking business! The ladies in my building, it's not their business either. And I'm at my Mom's house and she is telling me not to put this information out there. Well, I want my opinion to be heard. I don't think Project Transition should have to tell people that psychiatric patients are living there. They're not criminals. And I'm not a criminal. And I never will be.

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