Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Went on a date tonight to Starbucks. The guy seems really into me. He's cute too, but he was very insistent on coming over tonight and I don't know why which kind of weirded me out.
Today was a boring day. I worked out and then watched the news and made a doctor's apptment to get my toenail looked at so I can get on antibiotics so the foot doctor can cut the toenail out.

I hope this guy works out. He was really cute, but just a bit insistent. And you never know with meeting people on the internet what's going to happen.

Plans for the 4th are still in place. Still going with Matt probably to Skippack Village to see fireworks. Just have to get more details about it first.

Made some pasta and chicken for dinner. Haven't eaten all of it yet. Just kinda full. I still haven't figured out Adsense but they called me earlier today to set up things so maybe that will help. I have "I shot john lennon" by the cranberries in my head. It's a stupid song, wish it would go away. Oh well.
ps- the Phils lost again... what happened to the magic? I miss the old Phillies. It seems it's hit or miss with them. I'm just glad I didn't have to see it.

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