Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pride and Prejudice

I recently have read the book Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and was expecting it to be a bit better than I thought it was. It takes at least halfway through the book for the story to begin to develop as you have to get the background on everyone really at first. The two character's of Elizabeth Bennett and Mr. Darcy don't really get together till the end. It is more than halfway through the story that you find out his attraction to her, and then later her attraction to him. I can see reading this in high school, but not for fun really. I still like to read my post-modern books that may soon be seen as classics when I'm long gone from this life. Honestly, I think kids in school should be reading post-modern work as it is in this time period. Although I did take one of my books that was favorited by me in high school back to my apartment to read once again eventually: Great Expectations. I also look to read some of my Stephen King books that I put on the backburner because they are so long. I am not so sure I want to read Anna Karenina anymore, so I am not going to order it anytime soon. I am looking forward to reading Candace Bushnell's latest come April and then the long awaited *since September!* book by Emily Giffin which got mixed reviews, but her books are always so good, I don't see how there can be any fault with it. My friend Chrissy is hooked on her now. =) She says she wishes her life was like the first book, without the "i'm sleeping with my best friend's fiance" to it. I totally agreed.

Anyways, not much else is going on. I get my CPAP machine on Thursday afternoon. The guy *Joe* is going to show me how to use it. If you don't know what a CPAP machine is, it's for sleep apnea. I found out I stopped breathing over 600 times an hour. Meaning, I never really got sleep. Which would explain my accident. But I really don't want to think about that right now as it's been 5 months since then and it's just not pleasant to think about. Although everytime I look in the mirror and see the scar on my chin from the airbag I am reminded of it. Thanks god!

My 28th birthday has come and gone, and I got some really nice gifts and had a good time at my party. It's my first year in 5 where I haven't gotten roses for Valentine's day. I don't really mind it though. They're a pain in the ass to take care of anyway.

For some reason lately I've been thinking a lot about Oliver and Liz. I dreamt Liz was still alive and that it was all a big joke. I dream that often. I have mixed feelings about how I would respond to that. In the dream I am always upset by it, not even relieved for her to be alive. I don't know why. I always wake up thinking that she's drastically changed my life again, but then realize it's not true. I have to get back in touch with her mother. As for Oliver. I look at his picture and just cry. I tried to relate this to my brother who lost his dog when he got divorced and he said it's been really hard without her. He said he almost went to the pound the other day and rescued a puppy. I think it would be good for him, but he's so busy he wouldn't have the time to give to it. I think once he moves, after he accepts a job. Either in Tampa or Colorado. We all need a companion, whether it be human or an animal. I'd like a kitten but right now I'm here, I'm there, I'm everywhere that I don't think it would be fair to have a kitten just yet. Although I would introduce it to Buddy. =) A kitten is just what the Old Man Buddy needs for his playful streak.

Anyways, I ordered a CD of hynopsis for sleep. I should get it in the mail in the next couple of days. A long with my textbook for class. I forgot we had no mail on Monday cos of President's day, and I expected to have my book today, but alas, I'll have it tomorrow. At least I better. I took a lot of tylenol PM tonight. I'm not gonna say how much because I don't want anyone else to freak out on me because it is MY liver, and there's a disturbed lyric that I really relate to "I want you to quicken my end" so anything to get me out of this shitty predicament that my life has become and meanwhile will put me to sleep I welcome with open arms. Maybe I'll get some sleep tonight, maybe I won't. But, we'll see...
Thanks for reading...

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